Rekalkulacije i poboljšanja
Fotografija Ross Sneddon (@rosssneddon) | Unsplash Photo Community
Ovo poglavlje daje sažetak rekalkulacija po sektoru, onečišćujućoj tvari i godini (potpoglavlje 8.1), planirana poboljšanja (potpoglavlje 8.2) i status provedbe preporuka dubinskog pregleda ERT-ova (potpoglavlje 8.3). Dodatno, u Dodatku 8 prikazan je utjecaj preračuna po onečišćujućoj tvari, sektoru SNAP97 i godini, što pokazuje razliku između posljednje i prethodne prijave, pri čemu pozitivan broj označava povećanje emisija, a negativan smanjenje.
Energetski sektor
Proizvodnja električne energije i topline (NFR 1.A.1.a)
Ispravljen je pogrešan unos direktne emisije za čvrsto gorivo u 2019. godinu.
Izgaranje u Industriji (NFR 1.A.2)
Iz ukupne potrošnje goriva sektora izdvojen novi LPS te su emisije proračunate razinom 2. Za niz 2015-2019 ispravljen je FE za ektralako loživo ulje.
Ispravljeni su pogrešno uneseni FE za period 2015 do 2019 za ektralako loživo ulje.
Cestovni promet (NFR 1.A.3.b)
Za proračun emisija korištena je nova verzija COPERT 5 modela.
Pomorski promet (NFR 1.A.3.d)
Slijedom TERT preporuke da se za kategoriju izvora NFR 1.A.3.d.ii koristi Tier 2 metodologija za proračun emisija, umjesto do tada korištene Tier 1 metodologije, prikupljeni su detaljniji nacionalni podaci o aktivnosti te je provedeno unapređenje proračuna emisije na Tier 2 metodologiju što je rezultiralo rekalkulacijom emisija za cijeli vremenski niz 1990. – 2019.
U proračun emisija za NFR 1.A.3.d.ii uključene su količine lubrikanata za cijelu vremenski niz 1990. – 2020.
Kućanstva (NFR 1.A.4.b.ii)
Rekalkulirane su emisije za cijeli vremenski niz 1990. – 2019. zbog proračunavanja emisija iz lubrikanata
Proizvodni procesi i uporaba proizvoda
Proizvodnja stakla (NFR 2.A.3)
Provedena je rekalkulacija emisija za čitavo razdoblje proračuna zbog uključivanja novog izvora emisije u proračun, s izuzetkom 2019. godine. Budući da je predmetno novo postrojenje u prošli podnesak bilo uključeno u 2019. godini za tvari NH3, TSP, PM10, PM2,5 i BC, za tu godinu nije došlo do promjene emisija osim NMHOS.
Izgradnja i rušenje objekata (NFR 2.A.5.b)
Provedeni projekt unaprjeđenja uključivao je ažuriranje metodologije proračuna s korištenja starog priručnika GB 2013 na metodologiju prema GB 2019. Navedeno je rezultiralo rekalkulacijom emisija PM2,5, PM10 i TSP za čitavo razdoblje proračuna.
Asfaltiranje prometnica (NFR 2.D.3.b)
Proveden je projekt unaprjeđenja uvrštavanjem tehnologija smanjenja u proračun emisija te je stoga provedena rekalkulacija emisija TSP, PM10 i PM2,5 za čitavo razdoblje proračuna.
Kemijski proizvodi (NFR 2.D.3.g)
Unaprjeđenje za potkategoriju Proizvodnja farmaceutskih proizvoda provedeno je s ciljem izmjene metodologije proračuna emisija ažuriranjem faktora emisije, na način da uključuje tehnologije smanjenja koje su korištene u postrojenjima. Također, povedeno je ažuriranje podataka o aktivnostima koji su do sada bili nepotpuni. Stoga je izvšena rekalkulacija emisija NMHOS za čitavo razdoblje proračuna.
Unaprjeđenje za potkategoriju Propuhivanje bitumena također je provedeno s ciljem ažuriranjem faktora emisije na način da uključuje tehnologije smanjenja NMHOS. Navedeno je rezultiralo rekalkulacijom emisija NMHOS za razdoblje proračuna u kojem je postrojenje bilo aktivno (2003.-2014.).
Uporaba ostalih otapala i proizvoda (NFR 2.D.3.i, 2.G)
Podaci o aktivnostima Rashladna maziva (SNAP 060604-2) te Maziva (SNAP 060604-3) ažurirani su na način da je korigirana raspodjela ukupne količine neenergetskih derivata na odgovarajuće podvrste, kao podloga za poboljšanje konzistentnosti proračuna za razdoblje od 1990. do 1998. godine te je također izvršeno izdvajanje potrošnje ulja i masti u dvotaktnim motorima iz ukupne potrošnje (za čitavo razdoblje proračuna). Potrošnja u dvotaktnim motorima u ovom je podnesku izmještena u sektor Energetika. U skladu s navedenim, izvršena je reklakulacija emisija NMHOS za aktivnost Rashladna maziva – za čitavo razdoblje proračuna te Maziva za godine 1990.-1998., 2002., 2013.-2015.
Gospodarenje stajskim gnojivom (NFR 3.B)
Emisije svih relevantnih onečišćujućih tvari rekalkulirane su za razdoblje 2010.-2019. zbog novih podataka o aktivnosti za konje i mule/magarce.
Rekalkulirane su emisije za cijeli vremenski niz 1990. – 2019. svih relevatnih onečišćujućih tvari za sve kategorije životinja u sektoru 3.B zbog prelaska na metodologiju iz GB2019, koja uključuje korištenje alata „Manure Management N-flow tool“.
Organska gnojiva primijenjena na tlo (NFR 3.D.a.2.a)
Rekalkulirane su emisije NOx i NH3 za cijeli vremenski niz 1990. – 2019. te za sve kategorije životinja zbog prelaska na metodologiju iz GB2019, koja uključuje korištenje alata „Manure Management N-flow tool“.
Rekalkulirane su emisije NOx i NH3 za razdoblje 2010. – 2019. Zbog korekcije podataka o aktivnosti za konje te mule i magarce.
Urin i izmet od životinja na ispaši (NFR 3.D.a.3)
Rekalkulirane su emisije za cijeli vremenski niz 1990. – 2019. svih relevatnih onečišćujućih tvari za sve kategorije životinja u sektoru 3.B zbog prelaska na metodologiju iz GB2019, koja uključuje korištenje alata „Manure Management N-flow tool“.
Rekalkulirane su emisije NOx i NH3 za razdoblje 2010. – 2019. Zbog korekcije podataka o aktivnosti za konje te mule i magarce.
Spaljivanje žetvenih ostataka (NFR 3.F)
Rekalkulirane su emisije svih relevantnih tvari za cijeli vremenski niz 1990. – 2019. zbog provedenog unapređenja koje je uključivalo uvođenje novih, nacionalnih podataka o aktivnosti.
Biološka obrada otpada – odlaganje krutog otpada na tlo (NFR 5.A)
Emisije CH4 koje su procijenjene u okviru NIR izvješća rekalkulirane su za cijelo izvještajno razdoblje, uslijed korištenja novo procijenjene vrijednosti parametra DOC (razgradivi organski ugljik, eng. degradable organic carbon) za proizvodni otpad.
Rekalkulacija emisije NMHOS za kategoriju izvora NFR 5.A provedena je za razdoblje od 1990. do 2019. godine.
Biološka obrada otpada - kompostiranje (NFR 5.B.1)
Za kategoriju izvora NFR 5.B.1 do sada se nije proračunavala emisija NH3 za razdoblje 1990. - 2006. godine jer podaci o aktivnosti nisu bili raspoloživi. Postupak kompostiranja počeo se primjenjivati u Republici Hrvatskoj od 1994. godine. Unapređenje je rezultiralo porastom emisije NH3 u kategoriji izvora NFR 5.B.1 za 100% u razdoblju od 1994. do 2006. godine, dok u razdoblju od 2007. do 2019. godine razlika u emisijama ima fluktuirajući trend i kreće se od -59% do 190%, što je dovelo do promjene godišnjih nacionalnih emisija NH3 u razdoblju 1994. – 2019. godine u rasponu od -0,028% do 0,014%.
Provedbom projekta unapređenja prikupljeni su podaci o aktivnosti na razini postrojenja, što utječe na njihovu transparentnost, točnost i potpunost.
Rekalkulacija emisije NH3 za kategoriju izvora NFR 5.B.1 provedena je za razdoblje od 1994. do 2019. godine, dok je za razdoblje od 1990. do 1993. godine u službenom formatu za izvješćivanje (NFR) korišten ključ oznake „NO“ (engl. not occurring = ne postoji).
Biološka obrada otpada – anaerobna digestija u bioplinskim postrojenjima (NFR 5.B.2)
Za kategoriju izvora NFR 5.B.2 do sada se nije proračunavala emisija NH3. Postupak anaerobne digestije u bioplinskim postrojenjima počeo se primjenjivati u Republici Hrvatskoj od 2009. godine. Unapređenje je rezultiralo porastom emisije NH3 u kategoriji izvora NFR 5.B.2 za 100% u razdoblju od 2009. do 2019. godine, kao i povećanjem godišnjih nacionalnih emisija NH3 u razdoblju 2009. – 2019. godine u rasponu od 0,0003% do 0,051%
Provedbom projekta unapređenja prikupljeni su podaci o aktivnosti na razini postrojenja, što utječe na njihovu transparentnost, točnost i potpunost.
Rekalkulacija emisije NH3 za kategoriju izvora NFR 5.B.2 provedena je za razdoblje od 2009. do 2019. godine, dok je za razdoblje od 1990. do 2008. godine u službenom formatu za izvješćivanje (NFR) korišten ključ oznake „NO“ (engl. not occurring = ne postoji).
Spaljivanje otpada na otvorenom (NFR 5.C.2)
Za kategoriju izvora NFR 5.C.2 do sada se nisu proračunavale emisije onečišćujućih tvari CO, NOx, SO2, NMHOS, TSP, PM10, PM2,5, BC, Cr, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Pb, Cd, benzo[b]fluorantena, benzo[k]fluorantena, benzo[a]pirena i PCDD/F. Unapređenje je rezultiralo porastom emisije navedenih onečišćujućih tvari u kategoriji izvora NFR 5.C.2 za 100% u cijelom trendu, kao i povećanjem godišnjih nacionalnih emisija navedenih onečišćujućih tvari u rasponu od 0,01% do 5,06%, ovisno o onečišćujućoj tvari i godini.
Rekalkulacija emisije onečišćujućih tvari CO, NOx, SO2, NMHOS, TSP, PM10, PM2,5, BC, Cr, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Pb, Cd, benzo[b]fluorantena, benzo[k]fluorantena, benzo[a]pirena i PCDD/F za kategoriju izvora NFR 5.C.2 provedena je za razdoblje od 1990. do 2019. godine.
Upravljanje otpadnim vodama kućanstava – poljski zahodi (NFR 5.D.1)
Za ovaj podnesak provedeno je unapređenje inventara u kategoriji izvora NFR 5.D.1 Upravljanje otpadnim vodama kućanstava - poljski zahodi. U odnosu na prethodni podnesak, unapređenje je rezultiralo razlikama u emisijama NH3 u razdoblju od 1990. do 2019. godine s fluktuirajućim trendom, u rasponu od -78% do 79%, što je dovelo do promjene godišnjih nacionalnih emisija NH3 u rasponu od -1,39% do 0,98%.
Rekalkulacija emisije NH3 za kategoriju izvora NFR 5.D.1 provedena je za razdoblje od 1990. do 2019. godine.
Prirodni izvori
Ostali prirodni izvori - Divljač (NFR 11.C)
Za ovaj podnesak provedeno je unapređenje inventara uključivanjem nove kategorije ispuštanja 11.C. Unapređenje je rezultiralo povećanjem emisije NH3 u cijelom povijesnom trendu u prosijeku od 0,5 % do 1,1% godišnje, no to povećanje ne dovodi do povećanja nacionalne sume emisije NH3 budući je to kategorija koja je dio prirodnih emisija koje se ne mogu kontrolirati te se stoga prikazuju u memo stavkama.
Planirana poboljšanja
Energetski sektor
Proizvodnja električne energije i topline (NFR 1.A.1.a)
Kao dugoročni cilj Hrvatska će poduzeti određene korake kako bi opravdala korištenje direktnih emisija za velike točkaste izvore u inventaru.
Izgaranje u industriji (NFR 1.A.2)
Kao dugoročni cilj je za izračun emisije NOx koristiti podatke o tipu tehnologije za izgaranje.
Zračni promet (NFR 1.A.3.a)
Za prelazak na izračun prema metodologiji iz GB2019 za izračun emisija iz zračnog prometa potrebno je odrediti reprezentativni zrakoplov. Za to je potrebno prikupiti i obraditi detaljnije podatke o zrakoplovima i njihovom kretanju u svim zračnim lukama u Hrvatskoj.
Ovo poboljšanje je u programu prikupljanja podataka i bit će provedeno kada Ministarstvo osigura sredstva za usklađivanje s metodologijom iz GB2019. Hrvatska je do sada prikupila neke nepotpune podatke za posljednjih 7 godina. Projekt prikupljanja i dopunjavanja podataka koji nedostaju za implementaciju metodologije iz GB2019, umjesto korištene metodologije iz GB2013, planiran je za sljedeći ili jedan od sljedećih podnesaka.
Proizvodni procesi i uporaba proizvoda
Proizvodnja stakla (NFR 2.A.3)
Trenutno su u proračun emisija uključeni proizvodi od stakla koji obuhvaćaju kako staklo proizvedeno u zemlji tako i staklo koje je uvezeno i potom obrađeno do finalnog proizvoda, zbog nedostupnosti razdvojenih statističkih podataka. Potrebno je izvršiti reviziju metodologije izračuna emisija uz prilagodbu nacionalnim okolnostima kako bi se izbjeglo precjenjivanje vrijednosti emisija iz ove kategorije. U ovome se trenutku ovo pitanje kategorizira kao dugoročni plan za poboljšanje do osiguravanja potrebnih financijskih sredstava.
Nanošenje premaza (2.D.3.d)
Planira se rekalkulacija trenda (čitavog razdoblja proračuna) za ovu kategoriju nakon daljnjeg istraživanja dostupnih podataka koji bi omogućili prelazak na Tier 2 razinu proračuna. Potrebno je provesti analizu trenda te se u ovome trenutku ovo pitanje kategorizira kao dugoročni plan za poboljšanje, do osiguravanja potrebnih financijskih sredstava.
Tiskanje (2.D.3.h)
Planira se rekalkulacija trenda (čitavog razdoblja proračuna) za ovu kategoriju nakon daljnjeg istraživanja dostupnih podataka koji bi omogućili prelazak na Tier 2 razinu proračuna. Potrebno je provesti analizu trenda te se u ovome trenutku ovo pitanje kategorizira kao dugoročni plan za poboljšanje, do osiguravanja potrebnih financijskih sredstava.
Gospodarenje stajskim gnojem (NFR 3.B) - 3.B.1.a Muzne krave i 3.B.1.b Ostala goveda
Planiraju se uključiti mjere smanjenja emisije amonijaka u proračun emisije amonijaka za goveda. U tu svrhu potrebno je prikupiti dodatne podatke o uzgoju stoke te o načinima skladištenja i primjene stajskog gnoja na farmama goveda (muznih krava i ostalih goveda) s obzirom da podaci za farme goveda trenutno nisu dostupni. Ovo unapređenje planirati će se za jedan od sljedećih inventara.
Mineralna N-gnojiva (NFR 3.D.1.a)
Planiraju se uključiti mjere smanjenja emisije amonijaka u proračun emisije amonijaka iz primjene mineralnih N-gnojiva (i to uree i mineralnih gnojiva na bazi uree). U tu svrhu potrebno je prikupiti podatke o udjelu uree i ostalih mineralnih gnojiva na bazi uree, koje se prilikom primjene zaoravaju u tlo. Ovo unapređenje planirati će se za jedan od sljedećih inventara.
Upravljanje otpadnim vodama kućanstava – poljski zahodi (NFR 5.D.1)
Provedbom projekta unapređenja proračuna prikupljeni su točniji i pouzdaniji podaci o aktivnosti, a očekuje se da će točnost i potpunost podataka o aktivnosti biti još veća uključivanjem podataka iz Popisa 2021., kada će biti dostupni.
Prirodni izvori
Šumski požari (NFR 11.B)
Prikupite podatke o aktivnostima i procijenite emisije TSP, PM10, PM2,5 i BC.
Status provedbe preporuka dubinskog pregleda ERT-a
Status provedbe preporuka, nalaza i poticaja dubinskog pregleda ERT-a te iz 2021 pregleda NECD inventara 2021. (pregled podataka o emisijama onečišćenja zraka) prikazan je u tablicama od 8.3-1 do 8.3-4, a iz pregleda NECD projekcije u tablicama od 8.3-5 do 8.3-6.
Tablice sa svim komentarima su preuzeti u originalu te su na engleskom jeziku.
Table 8.3-1 All findings for CO, PM10 and Black Carbon from the 2021 NECD inventory review 2021
Review year of initial recommendation (number of years it has been recommended) |
Observation |
Key Category |
NFR, Pollutant(s), Year(s) |
RE, TC, or UPTC in 2021 |
Tier 1 used for Key Category |
2021 (1) |
HR-0A-2021-0001 |
No |
0A National Total - National total for the entire territory - Based on fuel sold/fuel used, CO, 2019 |
No |
No |
Recommendation The TERT noted that the value ‘zero’ was reported for CO from NFR 2B10a for 2019 instead fan appropriate notation key. In their response to the question on the issue Croatia indicated that both CO and NMVOC for this category and year have been reported as 'zero' and confirmed that the related activity (SNAP 040517 Formaldehyde) did not occur in Croatia in 2019, that the appropriate notation key would be 'NO' and that the errors will be corrected in the 2022 submission. The TERT recommends Croatia to change the notation keys of CO and NMVOC in NFR 2B10a into 'NO' in the next submission. |
Status of implementation Implemented. The the notation keys of CO and NMVOC in NFR 2B10a were changed into 'NO' in this year submission. |
Review year of initial recommendation (number of years it has been recommended) |
Observation |
Key Category |
NFR, Pollutant(s), Year(s) |
RE, TC, or UPTC in 2021 |
Tier 1 used for Key Category |
2021 (1) |
HR-1A3aii(i)-2021-0001 |
No |
1A3aii(i) Domestic Aviation LTO (Civil), PM10, CO, 2000-2001-2002 |
No |
No |
Recommendation For category 1A3aii(i) Domestic Aviation LTO (civil), for PM10 and CO, for the years 2000-2002, the TERT noted that there is a lack of transparency regarding the low values of IEF in comparison with the following years, where the IEF values are higher for the next years and gradually starting to drop. In response to a question raised during the review, Croatia stated that the discrepancies in the IEF values are due to relevant variations in the amount of gasoline for this category, as reported in the National energy balance. The TERT recommends that Croatia provide explicitly the reasons for the discrepancies in the IEF values across the time series, in the next IIR submission. |
Status of implementation Implemented. The reasons for the discrepancies in the IEF values across the time series are provided under Figure 3.4-1- |
Table 8.3-2 All recommendations including those additionally made during the 2021 NECD inventory review and those not implemented from previous reviews, for NOX, NMVOC, SO2, NH3 and PM2.5
Review year of initial recommendation (number of years it has been recommended) |
Observation |
Key Category |
NFR, Pollutant(s), Year(s) |
RE, TC or UPTC in 2020 |
RE, TC, or UPTC in 2021 |
Tier 1 used for Key Category |
2021 (1) |
HR-1A1c-2021-0001 |
No |
1A1c Manufacture of Solid Fuels and Other Energy Industries, PM2.5, 2007-2019 |
No |
No |
No |
Recommendation For category 1A1c Manufacture of Solid Fuels and Other Energy Industries, pollutant PM2.5, years 2007-2019 the TERT noted that there is a lack of transparency regarding reporting of PM2.5 emissions equal to PM10. This does not relate to an over- or under-estimate of emissions. In response to a question raised during the review, Croatia explained that according to the 2021 IIR, 1A1c includes only gaseous fuels in the years 2007-2019, which supports that EFs for PM10 and PM2.5 (and TSP) are similar. Croatia includes the EFs in Appendix 4 of the IIR. Croatia explain that solid fuel transformation plants and coal production do not exists in Croatia in period from 2007 till 2019. Croatia reports in 1A1c emissions from fuel consumed for own use in oil and natural gas production as well as fuel used for own use in biogas production, based on EFs from the 2019 EMEP/EEA Guidebook chapter 1A1a, where EF(PM2.5) = EF(PM10). The TERT recommends that Croatia includes the explanation in the 2022IIR. |
Status of implementation Implemented. A description has been added to the chapter 3.2 (subcategory 1.A.1.c) |
Review year of initial recommendation (number of years it has been recommended) |
Observation |
Key Category |
NFR, Pollutant(s), Year(s) |
RE, TC or UPTC in 2020 |
RE, TC, or UPTC in 2021 |
Tier 1 used for Key Category |
2020 (2) |
HR-1A3ai(i)-2020-0001 |
No |
1A3ai(i) International Aviation LTO (Civil), SO2, NOX, NH3, NMVOC, PM2.5, 1990-2018 |
No |
No |
No |
Assessment of the implementation of the initial recommendation For category 1A3ai(i) International Aviation LTO (Civil), for all the years, the TERT noted that there is a lack of transparency regarding the use of the 2013 EMEP/EEA Guidebook method, instead of the 2019 EMEP/EEA Guidebook method. This was raised during the 2020 NECD inventory review. In response to a question raised during the review, Croatia explained that this improvement will be implemented when the Ministry provides funding for the harmonization of the methodology with 2019 EMEP/EEA Guidebook and that this is planned for 2022 (or some later year), and that information of clear steps and schedule will be included in the next IIR submission The TERT recommends that Croatia provides the estimates using the 2019 EMEP/EEA Guidebook methodology with documentation of the AD and methods in the IIR of the next submission, or if this is not possible, provide information of the steps and schedule for the implementation of this recommendation. |
Status of implementation Not implemented. This improvement is in the data collection program and will be implemented when the Ministry provides fundings for harmonization of methodology with Guidebook 2019. Croatia has so far collected some incomplete data for the last 7 years. A project to collect and complete the missing data for the implementation of the Guidebook 2019 methodology, instead of the Guidebook 2013 methodology used, is planned for 2022 (or some later year). |
Review year of initial recommendation (number of years it has been recommended) |
Observation |
Key Category |
NFR, Pollutant(s), Year(s) |
RE, TC or UPTC in 2020 |
RE, TC, or UPTC in 2021 |
Tier 1 used for Key Category |
2020 (2) |
HR-1A3dii-2020-0001 |
Yes |
1A3dii National Navigation (Shipping), NOX, 2018 |
No |
Yes |
Assessment of the implementation of the initial recommendation For category 1A3dii National Navigation (Shipping), for NOX, for 2018, the TERT noted that there is a lack of transparency regarding the use of Tier 1 method instead of Tier 2 or Tier 3 method for a key category like 1A3dii. This issue was also raised during the 2020 NECD inventory review. In response to a question raised during the review, Croatia stated that: 'A project to investigate the data necessary for the implementation of Tier 2 methodology is in the final stage of tender.' Croatia also confirmed that the data is expected to be available and will be included in the 2022 submission. The TERT recommends that Croatia provide the necessary data in the next submission and include a clear explanation of the used methodology together with a clear explanation of recalculations in the 2022IIR submission. |
Status of implementation Implemented. Tier 2 method from GB 2019 is now in use instead of Tier 1 method for a key category 1A3dii. Clear explanation of the used methodology together with a clear explanation of recalculations are included in the 2022 IIR submission in the Chapter 3.4. Transport (NFR 1.A.3.). |
Review year of initial recommendation (number of years it has been recommended) |
Observation |
Key Category |
NFR, Pollutant(s), Year(s) |
RE, TC or UPTC in 2020 |
RE, TC, or UPTC in 2021 |
Tier 1 used for Key Category |
2019 (3) |
HR-1A3dii-2019-0001 |
No |
1A3dii National Navigation (Shipping), PM2.5, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 |
No |
No |
No |
Assessment of the implementation of the initial recommendation For category 1A3dii National Navigation (Shipping), for PM2.5 emissions, the TERT noted that there is a lack of transparency concerning the use of the Tier 2 methodology (page 135 of the IIR report). This was raised during the 2019 and 2020 NECD inventory reviews. In response to a question raised during the review Croatia stated that the necessary data for the Tier 2 methodology will be collected, analysed, and included in the next submission. The TERT recommends that Croatia reports the emissions using the Tier 2 methodology and includes the related documentation in IIR to the next submission. |
Status of implementation Implemented. Tier 2 method from GB 2019 is now in use instead of Tier 1 method for a key category 1A3dii. Clear explanation of the used methodology together with a clear explanation of recalculations are included in the 2022 IIR submission in the Chapter 3.4. Transport (NFR 1.A.3). |
Review year of initial recommendation (number of years it has been recommended) |
Observation |
Key Category |
NFR, Pollutant(s), Year(s) |
RE, TC or UPTC in 2020 |
RE, TC, or UPTC in 2021 |
Tier 1 used for Key Category |
2020 (2) |
HR-2D3a-2020-0001 |
Yes |
2D3a Domestic Solvent Use Including Fungicides, NMVOC, 2017, 2018 |
No |
No |
No |
Assessment of the implementation of the initial recommendation For category 2D3a Domestic Solvent Use including Fungicides, for NMVOC and for the years 2016-2019, the TERT noted that there is a lack of transparency regarding the huge increase of activity data leading to a huge increase of NMVOC emissions since the year 2016. This was raised during the and 2020 NECD inventory review. In response to a question raised during the review, Croatia explained that a new business entity started production (answer provided by Croatian Bureau of Statistics. This does not relate to an over- or under-estimate of emissions. The TERT recommends that Croatia includes this further information in the IIR for the next submission. |
Status of implementation Implemented. Further information is given in chapter 4.4. |
Review year of initial recommendation (number of years it has been recommended) |
Observation |
Key Category |
NFR, Pollutant(s), Year(s) |
RE, TC or UPTC in 2020 |
RE, TC, or UPTC in 2021 |
Tier 1 used for Key Category |
2020 (2) |
HR-2D3g-2020-0001 |
Yes |
2D3g Chemical Products, NMVOC, 2000-2017 |
No |
No |
No |
Assessment of the implementation of the initial recommendation For category 2D3g Chemical Products, for NMVOC emissions, for the whole time series, the TERT noted that the recommendation raised during the 2020 NECD inventory review has been partly implemented. The Croatian 2021 IIR explains methodologies for all the products included in the 2D3g sector, including Polyester processing (question raised during the 2020 NECD inventory review). In addition, according to table ES6-1 of the 2021 IIR, Croatia planned 'to improve emissions calculations for activities Pharmaceutical products manufacturing and Asphalt blowing. An improvement project is being prepared, which will include collection and processing of all available data. For the activity Pharmaceutical products manufacturing, a revision of solvent use data (especially for estimated and not calculated data) is planned, as well as the inclusion of abatement technologies used in plants. Also, for Asphalt blowing, it is planned to analyse the use of abatement technologies in asphalt plants. The results of this project are expected to be included in the next IIR.' The 2021 review noted that the IIR states that the issue has been included in the list of improvements and that the recommendation will be addressed in the 2022 submission. The TERT reiterates the recommendation that Croatia improves the estimates for Pharmaceutical products manufacturing and Asphalt blowing and recommends to include these in the 2022 submission. |
Status of implementation Implemented. Improved estimates for Pharmaceutical products manufacturing and Asphalt blowing are included in chapter 4.4. |
Review year of initial recommendation (number of years it has been recommended) |
Observation |
Key Category |
NFR, Pollutant(s), Year(s) |
RE, TC or UPTC in 2020 |
RE, TC, or UPTC in 2021 |
Tier 1 used for Key Category |
2020 (2) |
HR-3B-2020-0001 |
No |
3B Manure Management, NH3, 1990-2018 |
No |
No |
No |
Assessment of the implementation of the initial recommendation For category 3B Manure Management, for NH3 and for all years, the previous TERT noted that wrong values were used for abatement techniques. In 2020, Croatia proposed revised estimates (that were not accepted at that time by the TERT) and used these values in the 2021 submission. The TERT notes that Croatia implements the impact of abatement techniques in a rather original way by using farm level data to elaborate correction factors for emission factors. These abatement techniques are treated separately for each stage (housing, storage, spreading) and then included in the N flow calculator. The data sets would allow a specific calculation of NH3 emissions by farm which would give a slightly more accurate result but such a detail cannot be required by the TERT. The TERT clarified the issue with the Member State and concluded that explanations provided by Croatia are sufficient to understand the calculations and these calculations are considered correct by the TERT. The TERT recommends that Croatia includes this more detailed description of the issue in the IIR of the next submission. |
Status of implementation Implemented. A more detailed description is included in the IIR 2022 submission in the Chapter 5.1 Manure management. |
Review year of initial recommendation (number of years it has been recommended) |
Observation |
Key Category |
NFR, Pollutant(s), Year(s) |
RE, TC or UPTC in 2020 |
RE, TC, or UPTC in 2021 |
Tier 1 used for Key Category |
2020 (2) |
HR-3B-2020-0003 |
Yes |
3B Manure Management, NOX, NH3, 1990-2018 |
No |
No |
Assessment of the implementation of the initial recommendation For category 3b Manure Management, for NOX and NH3 and for all years the previous TERT noted that there was a lack of transparency regarding the manure management systems distributions. During the 2020 NEC review Croatia proposed some revised estimates that were finally not accepted by the TERT due to missing transparency. In the 2021 submission, the emissions were recalculated by Croatia with updated and clarified manure management systems. In response to a question during the review Croatia provided a complete table with the manure management distribution that were used for the latest inventory. Croatia also indicated that this table will be presented in next IIR. The TERT recommends that Croatia include this data on manure management in the 2022 IIR and also include all necessary explanations regarding the methodology used to produce these figures. |
Status of implementation Implemented. The data on manure management systems distribution that were used for this inventory are presented in the table 5.1-9. |
Review year of initial recommendation (number of years it has been recommended) |
Observation |
Key Category |
NFR, Pollutant(s), Year(s) |
RE, TC or UPTC in 2020 |
RE, TC, or UPTC in 2021 |
Tier 1 used for Key Category |
2020 (2) |
HR-3B-2020-0002 |
Yes |
3B Manure Management, NOX, NH3, 1990-2018 |
No |
No |
Assessment of the implementation of the initial recommendation For category 3B Manure Management, for NH3 and NOX and for all years, the previous TERT noted that there is a lack of transparency regarding the N excretion rates. In particular the values of Nitrogen excretion were different from those used in the NIR. For the 2021 IIR, emissions were assumed to be recalculated by using nitrogen excretion rates proposed in the NIR. Unfortunately, for the category 3Ba1 Dairy cattle, NOx values were updated with a technical correction in the framework of the ESD review and this update was not taken into account in the 2021 IIR. Considering the different values of nitrogen excretion rates the increase of nitrogen excretion rate for dairy cows would be around +11% after correction. The global impact on 3B1a (building and storage), 3Da2a (manure applied to soils) and 3Da3 (grazing) were estimated by the TERT and considered below the threshold of significance. The TERT recommends that Croatia calculate and report in the next IIR to the 2022 submission NH3 and NOX emissions from 3B Manure management using nitrogen excretion rates elaborated with a transparent manner using the Tier 2 methodology and in accordance with the reporting presented in the NIR. The TERT also recalls that this work must be done consistently with the necessary upgrade to EMEP 2019. |
Status of implementation Not implemented. Improvements and verifications of activity data parameters for Tier 2 emission calculation for relevant animal categories and MM systems. Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development had secured funds required for the launch of this project. A project for improvement and verification of activity data parameters is planned for 2022 (or some later year). |
Review year of initial recommendation (number of years it has been recommended) |
Observation |
Key Category |
NFR, Pollutant(s), Year(s) |
RE, TC or UPTC in 2020 |
RE, TC, or UPTC in 2021 |
Tier 1 used for Key Category |
2020 (2) |
HR-3B-2020-0004 |
Yes |
3B Manure Management, NOX, NH3, 1990-2018 |
No |
No |
Assessment of the implementation of the initial recommendation For Category 3B Manure Management for NOX and NH3 and for all years, the previous TERT noted that there is a lack of transparency regarding some parameters used for the N-Flow. In response to a question raised during 2021 review, Croatia indicated that most of the values used in calculation of emissions are default values provided in the 2016 EMEP/EEA Guidebook. Croatia also indicated that upgrading methodology to 2019 EMEP/EEA Guidebook is a planned improvement. The TERT recommends that Croatia indicate the sources and the values of parameters used in its calculations (percentages of excreta on yards, for bedding materials) in the IIR, even when they are default values proposed by the 2019 EMEP/EEA Guidebook. The TERT also recommends that Croatia upgrade its inventory by using the 2019 EMEP/EEA Guidebook emission factors and methodologies in the 2022 submission. |
Status of implementation Implemented. Croatia upgraded its inventory by using the 2019 EMEP/EEA Guidebook emission factors and methodologies in the IIR 2022 submission. |
Review year of initial recommendation (number of years it has been recommended) |
Observation |
Key Category |
NFR, Pollutant(s), Year(s) |
RE, TC or UPTC in 2020 |
RE, TC, or UPTC in 2021 |
Tier 1 used for Key Category |
2017 (5) |
HR-3Da2c-2017-0001 |
No |
3Da2c Other Organic Fertilisers Applied to Soils, NOX, NH3, 1990-2018 |
No |
No |
No |
Assessment of the implementation of the initial recommendation For category 3Da2c Other Organic Fertilizers Applied to Soils (Including Compost), for NOX and NH3 all years are reported as 'NE' in the NFR. This was raised during the 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 NECD inventory reviews. In the IIR and in response to previous reviews, Croatia stated that for now, data in this category are still not available and collecting these data is a long-term goal. Activity data for this category is not available. Current assumptions are that emissions from this subsector are negligibly small. In the IIR, Table ES6-1 (Improvements planned for the next or one of the next inventory), the Party indicates that they plan to check on availability of AD on other organic fertilizers. and that this improvement will be made in one of the upcoming submissions. The TERT is aware of the difficulty to collect data that are related to minor activities but reiterates the recommendation that Croatia investigate the possibility to collect such data and meanwhile make an expert estimate about the amounts of other organic products applied to soils, and report on the progress of the implementation of this recommendation by providing details and schedule of the work. |
Status of implementation Not implemented. Activity data for this category are still not available and collecting these data is a long-term goal. Current assumptions are that emissions from this subsector are negligibly small. In CRF, total N2O emission from the entire Waste sector contributes to the total emissions with 0.4% and only a small percent can theoretically be applied to soils. Therefore, it is concluded that emissions are below national threshold of significance. |
Review year of initial recommendation (number of years it has been recommended) |
Observation |
Key Category |
NFR, Pollutant(s), Year(s) |
RE, TC or UPTC in 2020 |
RE, TC, or UPTC in 2021 |
Tier 1 used for Key Category |
2020 (2) |
HR-3Da3-2020-0001 |
Yes |
3Da3 Urine and Dung Deposited by Grazing Animals, NOX, 2000 |
No |
No |
No |
Assessment of the implementation of the initial recommendation For category 3Da3 Urine and Dung from Grazing, for NOX and all years, Croatia implemented large recalculations in 2020 due to changes in horses and mules/asses populations. These changes were accepted by previous TERT, but explanations had to be included in the IIR. Considering the 2021 submission of the IIR, expected information were not found. In response to a question raised during the review, Croatia clarified the issue on populations: 'Croatian Agricultural Agency (CAA) provided detailed national data for the population numbers of horses (1995-2019) and mules/asses (1995-2017). For the missing years, CBS data was used for horse population and CBS / FAOSTAT data for mules/assess population respectively, due to current unavailability of detailed national data [..]'. Croatia acknowledges that these explanations were omitted by mistake in the IIR. The TERT recommends that Croatia presents relevant explanation on data treatment and tables on activity data in its next IIR submission in 2022. |
Status of implementation Implemented. Data sources for each year and livestock category are presented in the Table 5.1-11 of the IIR 2022. |
Review year of initial recommendation (number of years it has been recommended) |
Observation |
Key Category |
NFR, Pollutant(s), Year(s) |
RE, TC or UPTC in 2020 |
RE, TC, or UPTC in 2021 |
Tier 1 used for Key Category |
2017 (5) |
HR-5B-2017-0001 |
No |
5B Biological Treatment of Waste, NH3, 1990-2018 |
No |
No |
No |
Assessment of the implementation of the initial recommendation For NH3 emissions from 5B1 Compost Production for the years 1990-2006, the TERT noted that there is an under-estimate as NH3 emissions are not estimated despite a default EF is provided in the 2019 EMEP/EEA Guidebook. The issue is expected to be below the threshold of significance . This was raised during the 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 NECD inventory reviews. In response to a question raised during the 2021 review Croatia answered that data on the amount of feedstock for the entire reporting period will be collected (tender phase of a dedicated project has been launched) and that data will be available and included in the in the 2022 submission. The TERT reiterate the recommendation that Croatia include NH3 emissions with related documentation in the IIR of the 2022 submission. |
Status of implementation Implemented – Improved NH3 emission inventory for the period 1990 - 2020 (see sub-chapter 6.2. for details). |
Review year of initial recommendation (number of years it has been recommended) |
Observation |
Key Category |
NFR, Pollutant(s), Year(s) |
RE, TC or UPTC in 2020 |
RE, TC, or UPTC in 2021 |
Tier 1 used for Key Category |
2019 (3) |
HR-5B2-2019-0001 |
No |
5B2 Biological Treatment of Waste - Anaerobic Digestion at Biogas Facilities, NH3, 1990-2018 |
No |
No |
No |
Assessment of the implementation of the initial recommendation For NH3 emissions from 5B2 Biological Treatment of Waste - Anaerobic digestion at biogas facilities for the time series 1990-2019, the TERT noted that there is an under-estimate as NH3 emissions from pre-storage, leakage, separation and storage of digestate are not estimated while a default EF is provided in the 2019 EMEP/EEA Guidebook. This was raised during the 2019 and 2020 reviews. In response to a question raised during the review Croatia answered that data on the amount of feedstock for the entire reporting period will be collected and will be available and included in the 2022 submission. The TERT recommends that Croatia include the missing NH3 emissions and the related documentation in the 2022 submission. |
Status of implementation Implemented – Improved NH3 emission inventory for the period 1990 - 2020 (see sub-chapter 6.3. for details). |
Table 8.3-3 All findings including those additionally made during the 2021 NECD inventory review and those not implemented from previous reviews, for heavy metals and POPs
Review year of initial recommendation (number of years it has been recommended) |
Observation |
Key Category |
NFR, Pollutant(s), Year(s) |
RE, TC or UPTC in 2020 |
RE, TC, or UPTC in 2021 |
Tier 1 used for Key Category |
2019 (3) |
HR-5C2-2019-0001 |
No |
5C2 Open Burning of Waste, SO2, NOX, NMVOC, PM2.5, BaP, PAHs, PCBs, HCB, Cd, Hg, Pb, PCDD/F, 1990-2018 |
No |
No |
No |
Assessment of the implementation of the initial recommendation For all pollutants emissions from 5C2 - Open Burning of Waste the TERT notes that there are under-estimates of emissions for years before the prohibition of open burning. This was raised during the 2019 and 2020 NECD inventory reviews. In response to a question raised during the 2021 review Croatia answered that activity data (agricultural wastes – forest residues, orchard crops, etc.) will be collected (on going project - tender phase) and that emissions will be included 'in one of the following submissions'. The TERT notes that the category is a key category for POPs, HMs and particles for some Member States. The TERT recommends that Croatia to include the missing emissions preferably to the 2022 submission. If this is not possible, the TERT recommends to meanwhile report 'NE' for the missing emissions with an explanation in the IIR and to provide information on the steps and schedule of the implementation of this recommendation in the IIR of the next submission in 2022. |
Status of implementation Implemented – Improved CO, NOx, SO2, NMVOC, TSP, PM10, PM2.5, BC, Cr, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Pb, Cd , benzo[b]fluoranthene, benzo[k]fluoranthene, benzo[a]pyrene and PCDD/F emission inventory for the period 1990 - 2020 (see sub-chapter 6.5. for details). |
Table 8.3-4 All findings including those additionally made during the 2021 NECD inventory review and those not implemented from previous reviews of LPS data
Review year of initial recommendation (number of years it has been recommended) |
Observation |
GNFR sector, Pollutant(s), Year(s) |
Priority recommendation in 2020 |
Priority recommendation in 2021 |
2020 (2) |
HR-LPS-GEN-2020-0003 |
General, 2015 |
No |
Yes |
Assessment of the implementation of the initial recommendation The TERT noted that in the 2019 LPS submission, there were 5 cases where the same pair of longitude and latitude coordinates was assigned to more than one differently named LPS. In response to a question raised during the review, Croatia explained that in one case (CEMEX HRVATSKA D.D., TVORNICA CEMENTA SVETI JURAJ and CEMEX HRVATSKA D.D., TVORNICA CEMENTA SVETI KAJO) the two facilities are very close, so when rounded the coordinates are the same. This is not a problem. In the four other cases, Croatia explained that this relates to a reporting error, and sent a file containing corrected coordinates for the facilities. The TERT recommends that Croatia upload a corrected version of the 2019 LPS data (including corrections required from other recommendations in this review) to the CDR as soon as possible, and ensure that this issue does not reoccur in the 2023 LPS data submission in 2025. |
Status of implementation The implementation of the recomendation will be realized with the 2023 LPS data submission in 2025. |
Review year of initial recommendation (number of years it has been recommended) |
Observation |
GNFR sector, Pollutant(s), Year(s) |
Priority recommendation in 2020 |
Priority recommendation in 2021 |
2021 (1) |
HR-LPS-GEN-2021-0002 |
General, 2019 |
No |
No |
Recommendation The TERT noted that in the 2019 LPS data, the IDs provided in the 'E-PRTR/PRTR Facility ID' column of Annex VI LPS reporting template did not correspond to any of the facility IDs used in the Industrial Reporting Database (v4) published by the EEA. This is not a mandatory requirement but facilitates transparency and review. In response to a question raised during the review, Croatia explained that the IDs included are those previously used in the E-PRTR. However, since that time, reporting of industrial facility details and emissions is now undertaken via the EU Registry and E-PRTR/LCP integrated reporting. In December 2020, an additional guidance note was made available for Member States at, with clarification on this issue. The Member States are encouraged to report the same FacilityID as reported in their E-PRTR/LCP reporting by using the INSPIRE ID (namespace + localid) used in the ProductionFacilityReport table from the E-PRTR/LCP integrated reporting. The TERT therefore recommends that in the next LPS submission, Croatia use the facility INSPIRE ID in the 'E-PRTR/PRTR Facility ID' column of Annex VI, to increase consistency of IDs used across reporting obligations. |
Status of implementation The implementation of the recomendation will be realized with the 2023 LPS data submission in 2025. |
Review year of initial recommendation (number of years it has been recommended) |
Observation |
GNFR sector, Pollutant(s), Year(s) |
Priority recommendation in 2020 |
Priority recommendation in 2021 |
2021 (1) |
HR-LPS-GEN-2021-0001 |
General, PAHs, PCBs, HCB, Cd, Hg, Pb, PCDD/F, 2019 |
No |
Yes |
Recommendation The TERT noted that for the year 2019, no LPS emissions were reported for the following pollutant(s): Pb, PAHs, Hg, Cd, HCB, PCDD/F, PCBs. In response to a question raised during the review, Croatia explained that these pollutants are not reported by operators to the Croatian EPR, and in the 2020 review in the Q&A for issue HR-LPS-GEN-2020-0003 the TERT suggested that Croatia only include pollutants reported by operators. This statement was incorrect, and the TERT apologises for this confusion. The 'Guidelines for Reporting Emissions and Projections Data under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution' (ECE/EB.AIR/125) and LPS reporting template (Annex VI) defines the scope of pollutants to be reported. Where a pollutant is required under LPS reporting but is not required under reporting to the Croatian EPR, then it is appropriate to calculate emissions using the EMEP/EEA methodology. The TERT further noted that in the data for years 1990, 1995, 2000, 2010 and 2015 provided as part of the 2021 submission, Croatia did indeed use the EMEP/EEA methodology to gap-fill emissions for these pollutants. Therefore, the TERT recommends that Croatia upload to the CDR a corrected version of the 2019 LPS data - including gap-filled estimates for these pollutants - as soon as possible, and ensure that this issue does not reoccur in the 2023 LPS data submission in 2025. |
Status of implementation The implementation of the recomendation will be realized with the 2023 LPS data submission in 2025. |
Review year of initial recommendation (number of years it has been recommended) |
Observation |
GNFR sector, Pollutant(s), Year(s) |
Priority recommendation in 2020 |
Priority recommendation in 2021 |
2021 (1) |
HR-LPS-B-1-2021-0001 |
B-1 Industry, PM2.5, PM10, 2019 |
No |
Yes |
Recommendation The TERT noted that in the 2019 LPS submission, reported PM10 emissions are lower than PM2.5 emissions for CROATIAN SUGAR FACTORY D.D.. In response to a question raised during the review, Croatia explained that this is an error, and PM2.5 emissions should be reported as 'NE' for this facility. The TERT recommends that Croatia upload a corrected version of the 2019 LPS data (including corrections required from other recommendations in this review) to the CDR as soon as possible, and ensure that this issue does not reoccur in the 2023 LPS data submission in 2025. |
Status of implementation Not implemented. The implementation of the recomendation will be realized with the 2023 LPS data submission in 2025. |
Review year of initial recommendation (number of years it has been recommended) |
Observation |
GNFR sector, Pollutant(s), Year(s) |
Priority recommendation in 2020 |
Priority recommendation in 2021 |
2021 (1) |
HR-LPS-D-2021-0001 |
D Fugitive, NOX, 2019 |
No |
No |
Recommendation The TERT noted with reference to issue HR-GRID-D-2021-0001, that in 2019 all emissions from INA Plc. RIJEKA OIL REFINERY and INA Plc. SISAK OIL REFINERY were assigned to GNFR code D_Fugitive, which caused a mismatch with the gridded emissions dataset. In response to a question raised during the review, Croatia explained that emissions were aggregated in this way in response to a previous recommendation during the 2020 review, but that it would be possible to report emissions separately for GNFR codes B_Industry and D_Fugitive for each facility, as was done for 2015 data. The TERT acknowledges the inconvenience caused by the contradiction of a previous recommendation, but notes that this recommendation supersedes the previous one. The TERT recommends that in the next LPS submission, Croatia provides a corrected version of the 2019 data with B_Industry and D_Fugitive for these refineries on separate rows (as done in the 2015 data tab), as well as ensuring that the 2023 data is also reported in this way. |
Status of implementation The implementation of the recomendation will be realized with the 2023 LPS data submission in 2025. |
Table 8.3-5 Recommendations from the 2021 projections review
Observation |
Original Review year |
Pollutant |
Projection's year(s) |
Scenario |
Key Category |
HR-0A-2021-0001 |
2021 |
0A National total - National total for the entire territory - Based on fuel sold/fuel used |
2030 |
With Measures (WM), With additional Measures (WAM) |
n.a. |
Recommendation The TRT notes that Croatia is not on target for 2030 emission reduction commitment (ERC) compliance for PM2.5, NH3 and NOX emissions with its WM scenario. Although it expects to meet ERC for 2030 using its WAM scenario for NH3 and PM2.5 it misses its 2030 ERC for NOX with both its WAM scenario and WM scenarios. In a response to a review question, Croatia indicated that its 'inventory team is aware of this incompliance for NOX in 2030 with both WAM scenario and WM scenarios'. Croatia indicated that 'the key source in the NOX emission projection is road transport (NFR 1A3b) for which all planned measures come into place after 2030. The planned measures are defined in the scope of the national energy strategy (Energy development strategy of the Republic of Croatia until 2030 with a view to 2050, OG. 25/2020) and Low carbon strategy (The strategy of low-carbon development of the Republic of Croatia until 2030 with a view to 2050, which was adopted by the Croatian Parliament on 2 June 2021), so greenhouse gas and air pollutant projections are both based on these documents.' The TRT recommends that Croatia provides for the necessary additional measures and includes them in its future projections submissions to demonstrate how all emission reduction commitments will be met. |
Status of implementation Croatia is fully aware that the compliance assessment indicates the emission reduction commitments for PM2.5, NH3 and NOX emissions will be missed under both WM and WAM scenario for 2030 onward. Although the margin of compliance is not a legal requirement for the NECD, it is considered as a useful tool to provide additional information to the MS. Aiming to provide inputs for the necessary additional measures to be included in the future projections submission in 2023, the NECD designated authority initiated exchange of information and discussions on policies and measures development with other sectoral authorities (climate, energy, agriculture, traffic…). Croatia will continue with the additional efforts aimed at resolving this issue to demonstrate how all emission reduction commitments will be met. |
HR-1A3b-2021-0001 |
2021 |
1A3b Road Transport |
PM2.5 |
2020, 2025, 2030, 2040, 2050 |
With Measures (WM), With additional Measures (WAM) |
No |
Recommendation For 1A3b (road transport), PM2.5, the TRT noted that there is a large step change in estimated emissions between 2018 and 2020. In response to a question raised during the review, Croatia explained that the projected emissions are not based on COPERT whereas the historical data is, and this leads to an inconsistency. The TRT notes that this issue relates to an over or under-estimate and recommends that in future the projected emission estimates are based on COPERT so that they are consistent with the historical inventory. |
Status of implementation The TRT proposal will be taken into account in future projected emission estimates. |
HR-3B-2021-0001 |
2021 |
3B Animal husbandry and manure management |
PM2.5, NMVOC, NH3, NOX |
- |
With Measures (WM), With additional Measures (WAM) |
No |
Recommendation The TRT noted that there is a lack of transparency regarding the quantification of the impact of PaMs on projected emissions from the agriculture sector (NFR 3). In response to a question raised during the review, Croatia provided detailed explanations of the approach take under the WM and WAM scenarios and planned improvements, which include incorporating the results of ongoing research projects and historical inventory improvements (such as use of the Tier 2 N-flow methodology) into the projections. Croatia also explained that the WM projections are probably over-estimates, due to the conservative assumptions made around abatement penetration rates. Therefore the TRT recommends that Croatia includes these explanations and an expected timescale for implementation of improvements in the next submission of the IIR, and where quantification is available for key parameters (e.g. nitrogen excretion rates, manure management system share, penetration rates of abatement) to provide text or tables showing their projected evolution. |
Status of implementation Re-evaluation of WM projected estimate is a part of planned improvements of the projections, as well as possible modification of PaMs in WaM. These explanations and the expected time scale for implementation of improvements will be provided with the next projections submission, to increase transparency. |
HR-3B-2021-0002 |
2021 |
3B Animal husbandry and manure management |
2020 |
No |
Recommendation For category 3 Agriculture, the TRT notes that there is a large change projected in animal numbers for several livestock types between 2018 and 2020, which has an impact on projected emissions. In particular, numbers of dairy cattle, pigs, poultry and goats show a considerable change compared with both the historical trend, and also compared with the 2020-2030 trend. In response to a question raised during the review, Croatia explained that historical data on the number of animals were obtained from national statistics (CBS, CAA), and projections of the trend of input data on livestock and crop production were taken from the global FAO report 'The future of food and agriculture - alternative pathways to 2050', from which the BAU (business as usual) scenario of the mentioned report was used. The projections in the FAO report have a reference year of 2012, and between 2012 and 2019, there has been a significant decline in the number of animals (especially 2018 and 2019). The TRT concludes that the projected emissions may be either over- or under-estimates depending on the livestock type but considered that a slight over-estimate of emissions is likely due to the high importance of dairy cattle in emissions totals. However, the TRT considers that the magnitude of the over-estimate is unlikely to affect the status of compliance with NH3 reduction commitments under the WM scenario. The TRT recommends that in the next submission, Croatia either seek other sources of projections of animal numbers, or adjust the FAO projections to take into account observed trends between 2012 and the latest historical inventory year, to produce a trajectory with greater consistency between historical and projected years. |
Status of implementation In the next projections submission the number of animals will be updated according to the latest activity data. |
HR-3B4d-2021-0001 |
2021 |
3B4d Goats |
2005, 2020 |
With Measures (WM) |
No |
Recommendation The TRT noted that with reference to category 3B4d Goats, the pollutant(s) NMVOC, and the scenario With Measures (WM), the trend for the period 2005-2020 is anomalous. Between the latest historical inventory year (2018) and 2020, there is a more than 8-fold increase in estimated NMVOC emissions from goats. In response to a question raised during the review, Croatia explained that an error occurred, and the wrong emission factor was applied for the years 2020-2050. The TRT notes that this issue has caused a small over-estimate of around 0.03 kt NMVOC, which does not affect the likelihood of compliance with reduction commitments. The TRT recommends that this error be corrected in the next projections submission. |
Status of implementation This issue will be corrected in the following projections submission. |
Table 8.3-6 Encouragements from the 2021 projections review
Observation |
Original Review year |
Pollutant |
Projection's year(s) |
Scenario |
Key Category |
HR-1A1-2021-0002 |
2021 |
1A1 Energy industries (Combustion in power plants & Energy Production) |
BC, PM2.5, SO2 |
2020, 2030 |
With Measures (WM) |
No |
Encouragement For 1A1, BC, PM2.5, SO2 the TRT noted that emissions decrease by more than half to 2020 then increase by 200% to 2030, for which there was no explanation in the IIR. In response to a question raised during the review, Croatia provided data which explained that these trends are due to a large decrease in oil refining 1A1b to 2020, then a significant increase in petroleum coke use in 1A1b from 2020, according to the national Low Carbon Strategy and Energy Development Strategy. The TRT notes that this issue does not relate to an over or under-estimate and encourages Croatia to include brief explanations of significant changes in time series trends to increase transparency of the projections. |
Status of implementation In future projected emission estimates Croatia will include brief explanations of significant changes in time series trends to increase transparency of the projections. |
HR-1A2-2019-0001 |
2019 |
1A2 Manufacturing Industries and Construction (Combustion in industry including Mobile) |
2025, 2030, 2040, 2050 |
With Measures (WM), With additional Measures (WAM) |
No |
Encouragement For 1A2, NMVOC, the TRT noted that emissions in the WAM scenario are higher than the WM scenario for the years 2025, 2030, 2040 and 2050. In response to a question raised during the review, Croatia explained that this is due to higher biomass consumption projected in the WAM scenario than the WM scenario. This WM/WAM issue was raised during the 2019 NECD projections review. The TRT notes that this issue does not relate to an over or under-estimate and encourages Croatia to brief explanations in the IIR on the reasons behind unexpected scenario comparisons i.e. WAM emissions projected as higher than WM scenario emissions. |
Status of implementation In future projected emission estimates Croatia will include brief explanations of significant changes in time series trends to increase transparency of the projections. |
HR-1A3b-2019-0002 |
2019 |
1A3b Road Transport |
SO2, PM2.5, NMVOC, NH3, NOX |
2020, 2025, 2030 |
With Measures (WM), With additional Measures (WAM) |
Yes |
Encouragement For 1A3b (road transport), the TRT noted that there is a lack of transparency regarding how emission projections have been calculated for the road transport sector. In response to a question raised during the review, Croatia explained that the COPERT model is now used for estimating emissions from the road transport sector. This was raised during the 2019 NECD projections review. The TRT notes that this issue does not relate to an over or under-estimate and encourages Croatia to provide a clear explanation of their projected road transport emissions methodology in future IIRs |
Status of implementation In future projected emission estimates Croatia will include brief explanations on the methodology how emission projections have been calculated for the road transport sector. |
HR-5-2021-0002 |
2021 |
5 Waste |
BC |
2020, 2025, 2030 |
With Measures (WM), With additional Measures (WAM) |
No |
Status of implementation Explanation of the use of notation key will be included in future projected emission inventory. |
Encouragement For Waste, BC the TRT noted that in response to a question raised during the review Croatia provided more information about why the notation key 'NE' is used for BC in this sector. The TRT notes that this issue does not relate to an over or under-estimate and encourages Croatia to provide a clear explanation of the use of notation key is included in the IIR provided as part of the next submission. |
HR-5-2021-0003 |
2021 |
5 Waste |
2020, 2025, 2030 |
With Measures (WM), With additional Measures (WAM) |
No |
Encouragement For Waste, NMVOC the TRT noted that in response to a question raised during the review Croatia provided more information about the recalculations to NMVOC projections that have occurred this year. The TRT notes that this issue does not relate to an over or under-estimate and encourages that Croatia provide a clear explanation of this new methodology is included in the IIR provided as part of the next submission. |
Status of implementation Explanation of new methodology will be included in future projected emission inventory. |